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Hyundai History

Total Quality Management

Hyundai’s Quality System

6 sigma

Recognition of Quality


1967 Hyundai Motor Company is incorporated
1998 Acquisition of Kia Motors
2000 Incorporated first Korean automotive group
2003 Exports exceed 1 million units; 10 billion dollars
First in Korean Industry Customer Satisfaction for 10 years running
2004 New record for Korean exports of 10 million units exported
2005 Enters 100 Best Global Brands
2006 Sixth worldwide in total production
2008 Top place for eighth consecutive year in national customer satisfaction survey (NCSI)
2009 Selected by JD Power new-car quality survey as first in general brand category
2010 One of the fastest growing brands in the motor industry
Ranked No1. by AutoBuild Quality satisfaction investigation
2011 Ranked no. 61 in 100 Best Global Brands C
Lifetime partner in automobiles and beyond
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현대카드M 기업 경영분석,마케팅전략분석보고서.. 현대자동차,기아자동차,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마..
현대차,마케팅사례,혁신경영,마케팅,브랜드,브.. 현대자동차 경차마케팅,자동차시장 경차,한국자..
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