외식가족-레스토랑 서비스경영
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외식가족-레스토랑 서비스경영
1. 외식가족-레스토랑 서비스경영.pptx
2. 외식가족-레스토랑 서비스경영.pdf
외식가족-레스토랑 서비스경영
- Focused on Outback Steakhouse -
The Influence of Family Restaurant’s Marketing on Customer Satisfaction
and Revisitation
Ⅰ Introduction
Ⅱ Analysis
Ⅲ Conclusion
Ⅰ Introduction

*How marketing communications activities affect
consumers’ satisfaction about their brand.

* Marketing communications activities
are verified without traditional limitation.

* To verify brand satisfaction set up
by those marketing communications weather the loyalty.

*Compared with other general businesses,
for the industry providing services
Research Method
Influencing factors

which make customer revisit

and give a high brand satisfaction

in family restaurant companies
Sampling Method
We used Convenience Sampling for our research
and Focused on the Family restaurant brand Outback Steakhouse
Research Subjects
we use for this study consist of
theological factor based on past study and

we were asking this questionnaire
to 90 Kyung-Hee University student.
(2 were not available for the research)
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