방송언어의 운율적 자질에 대한 고찰 - 장단 대립 모음의 상대값 비교를 중심으로
방송언어의 운율적 자질에 대한 고찰
- 장단 대립 모음의 상대값 비교를 중심으로-
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the influence of the duration of vowels on the transmission of broadcast message.
Message transmission by speech always involves some risk of message distortion. Meaning loss and multiple interpretations are very likely to occur in the process of encoding a message in the form of broadcast speech as well as in the process of decoding the transmitted message. Since there is little time for rehearsal in broadcast and a conveyed message is irreversible, thorough preparation and expert communication skills are required of broadcasters.
Considering the above-mentioned properties and weak points that broadcast language have, professional communicators normally use several channel modes to enhance the effective transmission of broadcast message. They reinforce and supplement meaning by interacting with paralanguage and nonverbal channels besides the language channel.
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