Letter[Car Free Day Campaign]
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Letter[Car Free Day Campaign]
1. Letter[Car_Free_Day_Campaign].hwp
3. Letter[Car_Free_Day_Campaign].pdf
2. Letter[Car_Free_Day_Campaign].doc
Letter[Car Free Day Campaign]

[Car Free Day Campaign]

Dear Councillor :

I am writing to support the City's Recommendations that Seoul invest in a major Car Free Day event for 20 .

I understand this includes a broad public outreach and consultation campaign, support for local community celebrations and most importantly, a signature event in downtown Seoul on ,, 20 .

I support the opening up of Seoul St. and Hangang St. to cyclists, pedestrians, rollerbladers, and transit, unfettered by the private automobile between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

I support the City's initiative to show Seoul that downtown streets free of the private automobile are desirable. Cleaner air, more active lifestyles, and safer streets are all good reasons for Toronto to do this.

Thank you for showing leadership and for joining cities all around the world in marking the importance of International Car Free Day.


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