Maestro leadersh,리더십,리더쉽
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Maestro leadersh,리더십,리더쉽
1. Maestro leadersh,리더십,리더쉽.docx
2. Maestro leadersh,리더십,리더쉽.pdf
Maestro leadersh,리더십,리더쉽
Maestro leadership (6/19th)


1. Introduction

1.1- leadership s trend
1.2- what is maestro leadership

2. Body

2.1- What is orchestra
2.2- Structural similarity between company and orchestra

2.3- Introduction of Seoul Philharmonic
2.4- Who is Ahn Dang what interviewed from him

2.5- Current problems and solutions

3. Conclusion

3.1- Case of benchmarking program
3.2- The importance of maestro leadership

1.1- leadership s trend

Who is a true leader in this generation
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